All fees will be due before/at session. (Prefer Cash or PayPal)
Session fees: $150
This includes a disc with high resolution edited photos and a print release for you to have printed where you would like.
- 1-2 hours on location
- 1-2 location(s) of your choosing
- However many clothing changes you want, in the allotted time
- Custom editing of images
- All edited images on CD
~ ~ ~ If it is a family shoot, $10 per person after 5 people. ~ ~ ~
- Best if done in the first 10 days after being born
- Duration of shoot is flexible. Sometimes babies can be a little fussy, so please allow a little more time.
- Will most likely be done indoors, unless you prefer otherwise (weather permitting)
- Custom editing of images
- All edited images on CD
*Prices subject to change at any time.